DUI Online Pre Registration

Welcome to our online pre-registration!

Credit/Debit Card Payment ONLY

Enrollees that register for the Traffic Safety Institute at State College of Florida, Manatee-Sarasota DUI program MUST live, work or attend school in Desoto, Manatee or Sarasota County. Otherwise they must register in the county where they live, work, or attend school, unless an exception has been granted from DHSMV.

You must have the following documents to complete the registration process:

  1. A copy of traffic ticket/citation
  2. A readable Copy of the Arrest/Police Report/Probable Cause Affidavit - can be obtained at the Clerk of the Court in your County or by the arresting agency. If you have an attorney, they may also have a copy.
  3. If you had a traffic crash, you also must provide a copy of the traffic Crash Report, which can be obtained from the Clerk of Court as well or the arresting agency.
  4. All Court Information (This may include the notice of hearing, a copy of the probation order or written plea etc.)
  5. A copy of the Blood Alcohol Level (BAL) report or your refusal to complete the field sobriety tests.
  6. Photo Identification: State or Federal Identification Card, Passport, School Identification.
  7. Proof of Residency for Desoto, Manatee or Sarasota County
    (You MUST provide one of the following):
    • Deed, mortgage, monthly mortgage statement, mortgage payment booklet or residential rental/lease agreement.
    • Florida Voter Registration Card.
    • Florida Vehicle Registration or Title Print a duplicate registration at www.GoRenew.com
    • Automobile Payment Booklet.
    • Current homeowner’s insurance policy or bill.
    • Current automobile insurance policy or bill.
    • A current pay stub, recent W-2, letter from employer.
    • Unexpired professional license issued by a government agency in the U.S.
    • W-2 form or 1099 form.
    • Utility bills, not more than two months old.
    • Mail from financial institutions; including checking, savings, or investment account statements, not more than two months old.
    • Mail from Federal, State, County or City government agencies (including city and county agencies).
    • Proof of Enrollment statement from the school.

The use of alcohol and/or controlled substances prior to and/or during class or evaluation is strictly prohibited.

A breath test may be administered prior to each class and the evaluation. If positive, you must pay the entire fee again and attend all components again, as per DHSMV Rules. It is advisable not to use mouthwash or take any medications (Nyquil, cough syrup) prior to attending the classes or evaluation. The Level I DUI course is for first time offenders who have never had a previous alcohol or drug related traffic charge or arrest or attended a DUI course at any location at any time in your entire lifetime. If false or misleading information is given concerning previous alcohol or drug related charges/arrests, convictions or previous attendance to a DUI program, Traffic Safety Institute at State College of Florida, Manatee-Sarasota DUI program reserves the right to charge the full Level II DUI Program fee in addition to any fees paid and the Level II DUI course will be required.

The Level II DUI course is for persons who have previously attended a Level I DUI course at any location at any time in your entire lifetime or have been charged/convicted two or more times of an offense requiring DUI school attendance.

Failure to complete all or part of the program (class and evaluation attendance) within 90 days of payment (enrollment) will result in notification to the Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles of failure to complete and forfeiture of all fees paid.

Please be advised that information regarding drug and alcohol patient records is protected by Federal Confidentiality Rules (42 CFR Part 2). The Federal rules prohibit Traffic Safety Institute at State College of Florida, Manatee-Sarasota DUI program from making any further disclosure of this information unless further disclosure is expressly permitted by the written consent of the person to whom it pertains or as otherwise permitted by 42 CFR Part 2. A general authorization for the release of medical or other information is NOT sufficient for this purpose. The Federal rules restrict any use of the information to criminally investigate or prosecute any alcohol or drug abuse patient.

Level I registration fee is $365.36 and Level II registration fee is $536.13. These fees include a Florida state assessment fee, Driver Risk Inventory testing fee, driver record fee, an online processing fee and service fee ($12.36 or $18.13 respectively). The full fee is due on the final page of this registration.

Payment of fees is acknowledgement and agreement to the program rules and regulations. All fees payable to Traffic Safety Institute at State College of Florida, Manatee-Sarasota DUI program are non-refundable, even if you are found not guilty of the DUI and your administrative suspension is invalidated.

If you are ready, click "Begin".